Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsBecause the effort you expended did not have any results.
You don't know that, although on average that would be a *good*
I won't even bother with this particular gem of lunacy.
Is it lunacy to wonder whether this conversation has been to no point,
considering as how you and I have no idea who has bothered, or will
bother, to consider it? It's not even fringe, sorry.
You and I consider it, that is all that is necessary.
No, that's not so, whatever it is you think. You and I do not have an
"I-thou" relationship, and we are conducting this conversation in a
public forum; in fact, acting as though this were "man-to-man" would
be "idiocy" in the original sense of the word.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardTell me about it; or rather, don't, because that would be dictating,
not conversing.
Are you on drugs?
No, and there's no reason to think so (there's even a stronger
correlation between being a big-l Libertarian and drug use than being
against being dictated to).
Really? What do you base that on? Ideas pulled out of the air?
That's based on empirical observation; the US Libertarian Party is
none too unified (imagine that), but legalization of marijuana and
other drugs is one of its most "broadly distributed" policy
initiatives, and this is quite often linked to open admission of drug
use (rather admirably, in my opinion).
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardThat's a perfectly reasonable thing to
say, seeing as how you're not really engaging with things I say
(drawing out the meaning in various ways) but opining upon them,
apparently to great effect for some audience. I'm getting to feel
like Eleanor Barnes, baby.
I do not give opinions, I simple state objective fact.
That's not true, politics always involves opinion.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardThank you, that's actually relatively gracious.
I think you must be, probably very powerful ones with huge names; names
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart Hawkinswould need a few hours to pronounce properly.
Well, last night I had a Beck's and a Heineken; I guess they have
complicated enough molecular structures to keep the chemically-minded
busy, judging on observation.
No they don't.
That's a joke, the chemists I've known liked their drink fine. In
fact, ethanol does not have a very complicated molecular structure,
but as such it creates problems for a rather fanciful drug heuristic
proposed by a biochemist in a Neal Stephenson novel and adopted by
many "netizens" (the fewer atoms, the safer the drug).
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsYou are a thief and too bad.
Let me put it like this: if you were Michael Powell from the FCC, I'd
be suing because once I dialed their phone number a lawyer would be
holding my hand down to do all the necessary paperwork. Stuart
Hawkins gets off the hook, because he's a regular Joe from NZ with no
very good idea of how things work in a capitalist system.
I am a student of economics and as such I know how things work in a
capitalist system, I can also tell you America is not a capitalist
Post by Jeff RubardWell, America is a continent; but the US has a purer capitalist system
than any other developed country,
Capitalism is a singularity upon the spectrum, it is not a section of the
spectrum. Therefore you can not be more capitalist than others, you can only
be closer to capitalism than others.
"Singularity" is a cool word, but if capitalism is a singularity it's
the one (at least) the modern era has operated within (on any common
understanding of economics, including Marxist views); in my
experience, the charge of "Statism" is a cheap rejoinder offered by
people who want to be "patted on the back" for their support of
corporations, or something similar.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff Rubardso you're clearly aiming for
something that doesn't quite exist yet. That's no crime, just not
eminently realistic.
Why not? We know that capitalism will work, the only problem is democracy
and people like you who doubt it's morality.
What should we do with such people? Shouldn't economic reality just
automatically brush them aside? So why do you need to worry about
them at all, including for the purposes of this conversation?
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardNo, that's not the impression I have.
Well that might be because of all those drugs with the big names.
I am gathering the non-existence of these "drugs I am on at the
moment" is not much of a drawback for you. (Note: Others may gather
this, too.)
Well drugs are the only reasonable explaination for your behaviour.
In a magazine that'd be libelous bullshit; what you're in effect
opting for here is the "man in the street" out (which I'm perfectly
willing to grant you).
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardIf that's the way you feel, I'll take my stands and take my chances.
That doesn't appear to be the way you feel.
Again with wasting my time, why on earth do you do that?
Is the purpose of alt.politics.communism not to waste avowed
non-communist Stuart Hawkins' time?
The question was why do you do it, not why is it allowed to be done here.
The question is "Why do you care what people do here, on your own
understanding of politics and 'capitalist morality'? Why should I
have spent what by now amounts to several hours attempting to satisfy
what is now rather obviously a spurious curiosity on your part?" I
felt like doing that, but that's not a good enough reason for you, I
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPerhaps this could be effected
more easily if you were to patronize a forum for Libertarian politics,
rather than suggesting other people not exercise their freedom of
speech lest it offend you.
When did I try to censor you? Show me where I tried to censor you or state
that you should be consored?
Quote me or appologise.
"Suggestions" are not censorship, although they can be intimidation;
censorship is involuntary modification or suppression of printed or
artistic material. But as I can't "quote you as censoring me", or
even suggesting censorship, I cannot apologize (this is a fairly
common problem of a different character).
Post by Stuart Hawkinsthe
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsThen it is you and people like you that make it happen.
Well, then there are a lot of people like me.
Unfortunately that is true.
I'll accept the fact and the value (relativized to your person; you
are indicating a considerable bias against me, which you, Stuart
Hawkins, are entitled to).
I have no bias, toward you or any other.
That's a very bold statement; it's not true (you rather clearly have a
distaste for the frequenters of this forum), but you might grow into
it and that would be marvelous.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardYou like truths a lot, but you don't seem to like extrapolating
consequences from them
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff Rubard(enough). Not a mark of rationality, just a mark.
I extrapolate consequeces from them, I also see what should be done and
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart Hawkinsconsequences of that are quite rosy indeed.
What should be done seems to float free of particular matters of fact
in a somewhat "unbusinesslike" fashion.
What matters of fact?
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsDid hyou read the above?
Yes, it's true but he's not really your man; he was in favor of
slavery, and consider these quotes below.
Aristotle made many errors but the bulk of his work is brilliant; hence why
many philosophers have made attempts to repair those errors. I mean take
Einstien for example, his greatest work is now considered to be fatally
flawed, it does not mean we should dismiss general relativity entirely. It
(relativity) is but a stepping stone towards the truth and Aristotle's is
the largest and most stable of such stepping stones to date.
Aristotle didn't like manual laborers; he wouldn't have liked you, he
would have thought you were unworthy of politics no matter what it was
you said. You can still admire him, but you are not going to be able
to emend his work to serve your purposes.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardSince there are many forms of government there must be many varieties
of citizen and especially of citizens who are subjects; so that under
some governments the mechanic and the laborer will be citizens, but
not in others, as, for example, in aristocracy or the so-called
government of the best (if there be such an one), in which honors are
given according to virtue and merit; for no man can practice virtue
who is living the life of a mechanic or laborer.
The true forms of government, therefore, are those in which the one,
or the few, or the many, govern with a view to the common interest;
but governments which rule with a view to the private interest,
whether of the one or of the few, or of the many, are perversions.
Spinoza, on the other hand, identifies (a rather pure) democracy as
the *best* system of government and I like his style a little better.
Who cares? The criticisms Aristotle made are not answered by any
pro-deomcracy philosopher, and that is why their arguments are flawed.
They are amply answered (the *Politics* was indeed an important and
widely-read work), and I think at times quite well.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardWell, why don't you go tell an elected official about that?
Brilliant, next time I am in 1940's germany I will tell Hitler to leave the
Jews alone, do you think that will work?
That's something you could have done (perhaps at great cost); but are
you in 1940s Germany?
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardIt doesn't matter; you're not an expert (frankly, you're not giving
any evidence that you're even a competent judge of this) and the
second comment does not align with comments offered at that time by
people with something riding on what I was writing (their ass). The
real matter of fact has already been decided to the contrary; and if
you were an important person, this would be an extremely oppressive
comment (HE'S NOT A GOOD WRITER) but I can deal with it from you.
Well I can only comment on what I have seen here, and let me tell you it
Post by Jeff RubardYou're entitled to your opinion (and telling it to others, which I can
understand your enthusiasm for): I'm just telling you it's rather
Going on what you have presented here, when compared to the rules of
english, we see that it is not of the publishable standard.
Ahh, the royal we. I'm sorry, it doesn't really matter what you
think; I simply couldn't be bothered to provide you with references
(multiple) from professional editors, pertaining to (unsolicited)
praise of the stylistic integrity of pieces I wrote for them. In
other words, when I do not write as I please -- as I do in my free
time -- I am easy to edit.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardTo be frank, it's been a long time since I've been soundly defeated in
argument, and *that* doesn't bother me much at all.
So you consider the last time I replied to you to be a long time ago then?
That is quite juvenile.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardI was going to let you have the last word in this thread with respect
to philosophy of science (see how oppressive I am), but as far as I
can tell science is just another thing you can use to control
discussions and that's frankly stupid. Hey, it happens, but I've got
other fish to fry.
Control discussions? You *ARE* on drugs!
You're telling a bunch of people who don't want to hear it all about
your views, and personally attacking them (this comment obviously
doesn't have anything to do with my beliefs) when they don't get
That is not what I am doing, i am simply telling you the truth and I only
state that you must be on drugs as that is the only reasonable explaination
for yor posts.
Grow up.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardThat's a pretty piece of quantification; but I don't have a problem
with marijuana per se, I just think there are more important things in
the world.
Well people should be free to make that decision for themselves.
But yet they are not under the law as it stands; and if you are
incapable of understanding that as somehow binding, you are incapable
of understanding the common law.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardThat's a joke (I don't care
for it enough to spend energy on legalizing it, I have other
But the law is an abrogation of people's rights and as such must be
Prove it by them, I didn't make that law; I don't care too much about
abolishing it, either.
I see, I'm not Jewish so who cares?
The Niemoller routine began with "the communists", because that was
where the Nazis started. I say "routine" because frankly the
(sometimes slightly expurgated) versions of such anti-Nazi sentiments
we still get a lot are schmaltzy -- to the point that someone could
slip and fall.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsToo bad, you have no right to force your morality or views upon them.
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsLibertarian system allows you to hold your beliefs and act upon them
accordingly, any other system does not allow Libertarians to hold their
beliefs and act upon them accordingly. That means tha Libertarian system
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart Hawkinsneutral to you and better for them, so that means it is better overall.
Well, Mr. Hawkins, we here do not want to espouse big-l Libertarian
views, nor not be assessed the libertarian views we do have. Can it
be better away from us? That'd be proof you mean what you say.
You do not have to read my posts, therefore anything you say about not
making them is totally irrelevant.
The first part is true, the second part is not (you're presenting
defamatory statements about me which could be damaging to my personal
interests, rather than my feelings; I'm very much entitled to take a
very serious interest).
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardThe
small-l adjective applies more widely, though; there are libertarian
Democrats and Republicans.
No there are not, there are only people calling themselves that.
This is another measure of control; you're trying to tell people what
they can and can't say (whether you're right or not).
Just because someone says they are a horse or a small piece of stone, it
does not mean that they are. I do not say they should not call themselves
such, I just say that the word is misused and totally inaccurate
That's true, perhaps that's figurative language. I don't remember
doing that in this conversation, though.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardI can can think
of policies one could reasonably evaluate in that way coming from both
parties, as well as others.
Well then your criteria are faulty.
Says you.
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardShut up, you are becoming threatening.
No I am not, what I said was not a threat. It was a statement of fact,
Post by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart Hawkinsmay change your ways and as such attacking you is unecessary.
What if I don't change my ways and continue posting on-topic here?
Nothing, posting here is not an act of force.
No, but threatening someone is not an act of force, either; it
portends such an act, and sometimes none too thoroughly (the purpose
of threatening being to get what you want by putting fear into people,
without actually having to do the feared action).
Post by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff RubardPost by Stuart HawkinsPost by Jeff Rubardand if you are in New Zealand
that is frankly weak behavior (we could have it out today if you lived
in the Portland Metro Area).
Why bother? I have no desire to beat you into submission.
It would show you weren't drawing something out for your own benefit
(representing yourself as a credible threat without "feeling the need"
to walk the walk, and deriving charismatic authority from this). As
for the latter, never has happened for various reasons (meekness not
being among them).
I doubt you are physically impressive but I also add that no matter the
reality you would not stand a chance against me.
Actually, if you were to really thoroughly "ring the changes" on this
conversation and with me in person (I'm not too *physically* imposing,
but 300 pounds and a no-nonsense attitude hasn't been enough to bow
me) you'd be physically useless; you're just pumping yourself up, and
I have other things to do than admire your fine physique from afar.